Sunday, September 28, 2008

Piece Of Cake

I went to a garage sale Saturday. Our friend from church was hosting it her name is Pat. Hannah and I sold brownies and lemon bunt cake. We (mother and I) were looking at some books, when a ladie walked up to me and asked for the recipe for the cake. I tried to explain how to make when she said "I'll buy it for a dollar" I of course wrote it down for her. Hannah, Mother, and I thought so cool how some-one bought the recipe from me.
The sale went well we sold a few things.

( The recipe I discovered because Samantha gave it to me)

Thank you for visiting my blog!!

1 comment:

  1. Wow that is cool. I am glad that you got to us the recipe. It rather funny that she said she would pay for it. Oh and that is a really cute title. By the way what do you think of our new profile picture?


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