Sunday, July 19, 2009


Jessica is having a boy!!!! : )

Yep, His name is Charles Gracen Pecerella (the last name might not be spelt right but it is pronounced pek-er-ella). Jessica is about 20 weeks. They are very exited.

THE NAME: They named him Charles Gracen, Because there is a tradition in Sam's ( the father) family that the first born son names his first born son Charley (or Charles) then Sam Charley then Sam and so on. So because the Fathers name is Sam and he is the first born son of his family they are naming Charles,Charles. But they will call him Gracen because they don't like the name Charles that much. Make Sense? If it doesn't leave a comment and I'll explain further.

Sorry that I haven't posted in a while our computer has a huge virus so we are trying to stay off of it.


1 comment:

  1. What a pretty picture at the top of the blog! :) I have a blog on blogger now.



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