Thursday, January 1, 2009


Happy New Year!!

did you stay up till midnight?

What Did you do something special?

Fireworks?, Pots and Pans?, Sparckling cider?, Specail Food?

I remember last year I was up at the Reilly's house for The New year. we banged pots and pans and drank sparckaling cider.

I always love going to see mey Brother and Sisters in God.


Miss Sarah


  1. Hi Sarah~
    I had forgotten that you all were up here last year for new year. That was fun. We did inot od anything htis year. We whached the Nativaty storie until 11 then went to bed. Happy New Year to you. By the way your back ground is not working.

  2. Anonymous4/1/09 14:12

    We did not do anything special on New Year's Eve. I was awake till 12:00, though, because I couldn't sleep because of the fireworks in our neighborhood. We did watch "Prince Caspian" for the first time on New Year's Eve. :)


  3. Sarah! I know you found out yesterday if the baby is a boy or girls, and you haven't told me/us!!!!!!!!!! So what is it? A girls? Was I right? Or was it a boy and I was wrong? Please tell soon, like today. And if you can't do that then please email me.


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